Earlier this morning I was sitting on the beach looking out at the sea and thinking about how far I’ve come in my online business over the past 18 months. It wasn’t all that long ago when I felt unclear on my purpose and it was reflected in my bank account. I really wanted to be more confident and make more money as a personal brand but it felt like the no matter how hard I tried I continued to have a lingering doubt as to whether I’d ever experience the success I wanted.

How to Be More Confident And Make More Money As a Personal Brand

But I was determined (and remain determined) to get my work to the world, to have an impact in the lives of the people around me and to make a profit doing work that I’m passionate about. In early 2018 I went full-time in my business and reflecting back there are some undeniable shifts that allowed this to happen.

These few shifts have made all the difference in my journey to be more confident and make more money as a coach and teacher. So here are my top tips for you…


Know what you have to offer.

Knowing what you have to offer goes beyond just knowing that you’re a great person. When I first started my business back in 2014 I truly didn’t understand what I had to offer or what was really unique or special about it. For several years I sought to coach people without a clearly defined framework for my teachings and with little understanding of the benefits of those offers.

Knowing what you offer is a crucial part of developing your confidence as a personal brand! When you can clearly articulate what makes you and your offer special it changes how you show up in front of the students that are waiting for you!


Be clear on your story.

Understanding the story of your brand is an essential element of building a brand that makes you money. Knowing who you are, who your dream clients are and how your stories fuse together is what informs the language you use to communicate, what type of services you’ll offer and how confident you are in sharing your message.

Don’t get caught thinking that making money as a personal brand is all about just taking cute pictures in romantic locations. If your brand doesn’t have a clear story and if you aren’t clear on who or how it serves anyone, then you’ll be hard pressed making any cash.


Become a master of your craft.

The fastest way to kill your progress is to let imposter syndrome creep in! It’s a real thing… That feeling that says you aren’t equipped or worthy to be doing the work. While I would never suggest that you aren’t worthy (you are just because you are!), I’ve found that one of the best ways to overcome imposter syndrome is to dedicate yourself to the process of mastering your craft.

With only a few short years as a coach under my belt, I have always taken great pride in refining my skills and investing in my learning. I’m constantly rotating through a stack of 5-6 books about branding, spirituality and all things personal growth. I’m always looking for ways to hone my skills through action, learning, and mentorship. When you dedicate yourself to becoming a master of your craft, you’ll feel confident in knowing that you are right where you belong.


Love what you wear.

These days you’ll hear a lot of talk about the importance of mastering yourself from the inside. It’s important for you to cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and belief in yourself, however what about the element of personal style and presentation?

When we love ourselves from the inside-out and from the outside-in then we can show up more confidently in the world. Looking good feels so good! So it’s always a little surprising to me that so many business owners place such little emphasis on paying attention to how they look. We show up for our life purpose and our divine assignment looking like we just rolled out of bed.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve been known to show up for a Facebook live in my sweatpants with no make-up. I’m certainly not “bougie” about it. However, I’m a believer that taking the extra few minutes to throw on some red lipstick and brush your hair (or whatever makes you feel like a BOSS) can make a world of difference for your confidence and your cash flow!


Exercise your spiritual muscles.

If you intend to make money as a personal brand then there is something that you have to be really clear on…YOU are your brand. YOU are the product. Which means that it’s your job to ensure that you are the best and most valuable version of yourself. It’s your job to learn how to relax, to have more fun, to learn how to lean on a higher power, to learn how to surrender and have faith that everything is working out in your favor.

Before I committed to exercising my spiritual muscles, I was stressed out and constantly wondering where the next sale was coming from. You may have heard about the Law of Attraction and that you attract back to yourself the energy that you put out. Meaning that if you’re negative, stressed out and doubtful, you’ll simply attract more negativity, stress and doubt into your life (and your business). So it’s your job to spend more time cultivating peace and believing in the prosperity and abundance that is all around you.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “easier said than done” then you’re right – that’s why you have to exercise your spiritual muscles, daily.


Building a profitable personal brand takes confidence, clarity and a commitment to your calling, and sometimes it can feel really challenging. But when you’re sure of who you are and what you’re here to bring to the world, you can show up more confidently, build your influence and leave a legacy!

What other things do you do to build your confidence as a personal brand? Let me know in the comments below.

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