If you want to make a living and a real difference as a coach, then it’s time to create a signature coaching program. A signature coaching program takes the framework of what you teach and molds it into one transformative offer that is delivered over an extended period of time to help your clients experience results in a specific area of their life.
It might be delivered as a private coaching program, group coaching program, course, VIP day or a hybrid of these delivery methods. How you choose to deliver your program is based on the way you know will best serve the clients that come into your world.
I’m so passionate about teaching coaches how to design a coaching program because the day I launched my signature system my business was transformed.
It’s not just that I started receiving thousands of dollars to coach clients but that my clients had a container of time and an incubator to grow and develop in their lives. And I was able to begin building the body of work that I would become known for.

Today I want to share with you 5 reasons why you need a signature coaching program if you want to transform your business and the lives of those you serve.
1. It creates an easier pathway to a full-time income.
“What would it feel like to sign or renew agreements with 1 or 2 clients a month and be able to make a full-time living?” This is the question I asked a client recently on a coaching call as they shared their concerns around not having enough clients to live fully and freely. So many coaches find themselves in a constant state of stress and struggle trying to find hundreds of new clients a year to fill their calendar simply to make ends meet.
Signature coaching programs boil down services into one transformative offer that takes place over the course of many hours, weeks or months in order to deeply support clients. For this reason you have the capacity to charge $1500, $2000 or even $5000 for your program! I even had a client who pitched (and landed!) a $9000 coaching proposal for a 6-week program. Imagine that?!
2. It provides a full solution to clients.
If you’re anything like me then you didn’t get into the coaching industry just to make money. You truly want to help make a difference in the lives of those that you serve. Whether you’re helping your clients to lose weight, shift their mindset, heal their body, grow their wealth, build a business, establish financial or location freedom, find their soulmate or enjoy life to the fullest, there are likely several processes that your client has to journey through in order to learn and integrate.
Signature programs not only simplify your marketing funnels and your clients’ journey into the program due to their single point of focus but they also simplify your clients experience achieving their goals. Who doesn’t love simplicity?

3. It provides space for clients to experience lasting change.
Have you ever gone to church or to a conference and experienced a major high? You leave feeling motivated and inspired. You’ve had a major breakthrough! And then… you do nothing? Unfortunately the same can be true of your clients who book you for those one-off single sessions. Even the best of intentions can result in inaction without ongoing support.
Signature coaching programs create spaciousness and room for clients to learn, grow and integrate all the juicy breakthroughs. Giving people time and room to make moves, reflect on progress, re-envision goals and practice the outcomes they hope to achieve allows them to feel connected to their experience.
4. A signature coaching program DEADLINE inspires results.
Oftentimes progress requires a deadline and without it clients get stuck in cycles of delay. If your goal as a coach is to facilitate change and help clients achieve their goals then you must inspire action. What better way to light a fire under someone than to ask them to make a financial and energetic commitment to their coaching experience? The clients that are committed to their goals will work to achieve them within the container that you provide and the ones who’s priorities have shifted have an end date to be released from their agreements.
5. It positions you as an authority in your niche.
When you create a signature coaching program you are turning your expert knowledge, process and philosophy into a repeatable, scalable framework that allows you to serve more people in a systematic and structured way. Your signature coaching program will become the unique body of work that you become known for and is a powerful tool for establishing your expert authority in your niche.
I’m a strong believer in the transformative power of coaching programs, not just for your clients but for YOU, and I definitely wish that I had committed to designing and launching my first signature coaching program sooner!
So what about you? What’s holding you back from designing your signature coaching program? Let me know in the comments below!
Ready to get the inside scoop on the core elements of a Signature Coaching Program? Watch my free masterclass now.