So you’re brand new to the world of online business and you’re ready to make your mark on the world. You’ve just finished your coaching certification and you’ve heard that Facebook is a great place to find clients. There’s just one problem–barely any of your ‘friends’ know what you do and you have no idea how to really get noticed on Facebook for your work.
Cracking the social media code can be a little daunting when you’re first starting out. Many people believe that they need a big advertising budget to really make it work.
But here are a few ways to get noticed on Facebook that don’t require any money.
1. Join Facebook groups.
One of my favorite tools to get noticed on Facebook is to find and engage in Facebook groups. There are over 620 million (!) Facebook groups appealing to all types of people and interests.
So figure out the types of groups that may be beneficial to you and join them! If you’re a new health coach you may consider joining groups for new moms or for online business owners. If you’re a life coach you may consider joining spiritual groups or book clubs. If you’re a relationship coach you may want to join groups for singles and so forth.
2. Engage in Facebook groups.
I feel the need to highlight engaging in Facebook groups as a point all of it’s own. Because joining a Facebook group and then not introducing yourself or engaging with anyone is completely pointless.
If you want to get noticed on Facebook then you need to show up consistently and regularly in groups by offering support and taking an interest in other group members.
One of the biggest mistakes I see aspiring coaches make is thinking they can grow an online business by being silent.
3. Reach out and introduce yourself to new ‘friends’ through direct message.
You know what’s cool? When someone requests me as a friend on Facebook and then reaches out to say hello and introduce themselves.
If you’re using Facebook to grow your business then it’s not unusual to send friends requests to random people that Facebook may have suggested or that you have interacted with inside of a group.
If you’re doing this however, make sure to take the time to actually say hello! It’s pointless to become online ‘friends’ with someone you never even interact with.
4. Comment, share and like other people’s posts.
You may be sitting there wondering what’s in it for you. If you’re commenting, sharing and liking other people’s posts is that really going to get you noticed? Well yes, it will.
Not only are you helping the other person to expand their reach but you’re showing them your support which is invaluable for building relationships and getting people to notice you.
Plus, Facebook is such a cool platform that when you comment on other people’s posts you also have the opportunity to network and engage with other people who’ve also commented on the same post! Expand your reach, y’hear?!
5. Show up regularly.
In order to get noticed on Facebook you have to be present. You can’t expect to show up once a month and expect to see your influence and your audience grow.
Facebook is a social platform for interacting with other people. If you aren’t showing up regularly then people will naturally forget who you are and what you do.
So do yourself a favor and schedule Facebook time into your daily routine so that you can quickly grow your audience, build your network and start signing those clients!