life coach. on-camera host. speaker
Welcome, I’m Candis.
I make my living encouraging and supporting passionate people to courageously embrace their stories, do work they love anchored by purpose, and create peaceful, meaningful and joy-filled lives!
In 2021, I embarked on a year of deep transformation that I dubbed The Slow Year® and now share the stories, principles and practices that underpinned this life-changing season, through my speaking and life coaching experiences. It’s my hope that through this work, you’ll be inspired to live with greater peace, purpose and joy!

Let’s Get Together.
Whether you’re looking to hire a speaker or host for an upcoming event, or are looking for your next coach, my door is always open.
Learn more about my work by browsing this site or if you’re ready, go ahead and send me an email.
“Candis’ workshop was nothing short of life-changing. If you have the chance to attend one of Candis’ events you must not miss the opportunity!” –Andrea Yancey.
Read the Blog
5 Smart Ways to Combat Internet Burn Out
It's been a while friends, I know. At the end of 2017 I decided to embark on a journey to write 90 blog posts in 90 days (I finished up in 91 days!). It was a huge undertaking that involved an...
6 Essential Skills to Build and Run Your Own Website
You may know that a large part of promoting your personal brand online is running a successful website. Your website brings in potential clients, allows them to get a feel for what you stand for and...
7 Steps To Dealing With Unhappy Clients
In the past few weeks I've witnessed some of the biggest spectacles starring the unhappy clients of coaches I'm acquainted with. Unhappy clients are bad for your self-confidence and your business...